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中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解中高齡者的合作式服務學習歷程及其支持系統。本計畫以兩年為規劃期程,第一年的研究目的是從中高齡學習者的層面出發,瞭解他們的合作式的服務學習歷程,包括最初團隊的形成因素、如何共同決定目標、採用何種學習內容與方法、每個成員所扮演的角色、對於內外部資源的應用情形、所遭遇的困境以及所需要的協助。第二年的研究目的則從高齡教育機構層面,探討機構對於中高齡者進行合作式服務學習的觀點、可以提供團隊的支持內涵以及他們在指導合作服務學習團隊時所遭遇的困境。本計畫於歸納學習者層面與機構層面的觀點之後,進而編製「中高齡者合作式服務學習問卷」,並商請學者專家評估問卷內涵之重要性與可行性,進而建構我國中高齡者合作式的服務學習模式。第一年的研究擬以焦點座談法進行,為了瞭解中高齡者的合作式的服務學習歷程,本計畫將從我國目前的自主學習團體中選取具有「合作學習」並且將學習成果進行「貢獻服務」的12個團體為研究對象,每個團體預計進行1-2次焦點座談。每個團體以5-12名成員計,約有144名中高齡合作服務學習者將參與本研究的焦點座談。第二年擬以半結構式訪談法進行,針對上述12個合作服務學習團體所隸屬之高齡機構的負責人、主管或經理人進行一對一的深度訪談,每個機構擬選取1-2位高齡教育機構人員為對象,第二年預計訪談24位高齡教育機構人員。本計畫隨後綜合中高齡學習者層面與高齡教育機構層面的觀點,編製「我國中高齡者合作式服務學習內涵及其支持系統」之問卷,並協請國內相關學者專家共計12名,以德懷術方法進行問卷內容之重要性與可行性之評定。最後綜合中高齡學習者層面、高齡教育機構層面以及學者專家三方觀點,建構「中高齡者合作式的服務學習模式」,做為我國未來推廣合作服務學習方案設計之參考。
李雅慧(2015)。 中高齡者參與合作式服務學習歷程及其支持系統之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(1), 61-68。
Altogether, toward successful aging: The study of the process of cooperative service learning and the supporting system for middle-aged and older adults
Lee, Y.-H.
English Abstract The purpose of this two-year project is to understand the process of cooperative service learning and its supporting system for middle-aged and older adults. The first year is to investigate the process of cooperative service learning from the dimension of the middle-aged and older adult learners. The process includes the initial forming factors of the team, how the common goal will be determined together, what learning content and methods will be adopted, the role of each member, the obstacles they will encounter, and the needed assistance. The purpose of the second year study will focus on the dimension of the older adult educational organizations. In this period, we will research the organizations’ viewpoint regarding the cooperative service learning of the middle-aged and older adults, the meaning of the supporting system, and the difficulties when guiding the cooperative service learning. Having summarized the perspectives of both learners and the organizations, the researcher then composes the “Questionnaire of the Cooperative Service Learning of the Middle-Aged and Older Adults”. Following the experts’ evaluation of the importance and feasibility of the questionnaire, the researcher further constructs the cooperative service learning model for the middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan.
The method of the first year will be the focus-group interviews. In order to explore the process of the cooperative service learning of the participants, we will select 12 self-learning groups which will provide their learning outcomes as “contribution services” after taking part in “cooperative learning”. Each group will undergo 1-2 focus-group interviews. The total number of participants will be about 144 elders in this cooperative service learning study, while each group contains 5-12 members. The semi-structured interviews will be conducted in the second year of this study. The participants will be the officers, directors or managers of the aforementioned older adult educational organizations that the 12 selected groups are attached to. One to two older adult educational institution personnel from each group will undergo one on one in-depth interview. Therefore, about 24 interviewees will be included in the second year study. After integrating both perspectives of older adult learners and older adult educational organizations, a questionnaire titled “The Meaning of Cooperative Service Learning and the Supporting System for Middle-Aged and Older Adults” will be composed. Furthermore, 12 scholars and experts will evaluate the importance and feasibility of the questionnaire by Delphi technique. Finally, a three dimensional integration, including the elder learners, the educational institutions, and the scholars and experts, will construct “The Elderly Cooperative Service Learning Model” to serve as a promotional reference of the program design for the cooperative service learning in Taiwan.Keywords:older adult learning, successful aging, cooperative service learning, supporting system