段伴虬 陳聰堅 蘇德義
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中文摘要 我國自1993年起邁入高齡化社會以來,65歲以上老人所占比例持續攀升,2012年底已達11%,並預測2020年前達14%,快速的邁向老化社會,加上「少子化」浪潮的衝擊,銀髮族「健康促進、生活自立」已成必然的趨勢。在科技快速發展的今日,結合資通科技與健康資訊管理的平台技術正迅速發展,促使達成智能化健康照顧功能的可行性大幅提高,例如運用遠距健康監控的管理平台,使高齡者居家健康在諮詢管理的需求上或突發異常事故時,皆能透過平台的技術管理來請求支援。本研究採用「服務體驗工程方法(SEE)」理論之服務體驗洞察的架構,針對使用遠距健康照護系統之銀髮族的經驗與行為進行分析,找出未被滿足的隱藏需求,協助新產品或服務開創新的契機。本研究之服務體驗觀察法採組合定點觀察與導覽之旅的方式進行,而體驗訪談法以體驗旅途框架為依據,再運用互動、序列、工具器物、文化、實體等五個層面模型,彙整行為模式,進行銀髮族遠距健康照護服務潛在的需求分析,進而對服務設計的規格進行規範。本研究以「竹山秀傳醫院社區遠距健康照護服務系統」安裝於南投縣社寮里紫南宮社區活動中心為服務體驗基地,研究結果如下:(1)藉由SEE方法的體驗洞察,有助於瞭解使用者生活風格、行為模式及真正的需求與阻礙;(2)歸納出最符合銀髮族遠距健康照護的服務設計需求與規範。現有服務設計應加強:安排專人協助操作量測生理訊號、系統服務功能項目可增加、量測環境需「似家化」設計、付費使用意願納入服務成本考量等四項。本研究以服務體驗工程評估遠距健康照護之建置,一方面可更深入探討使用者體驗感受之本質;另一方面藉由此檢視目前提供之服務與功能,來找出遠距健康照護使用者需求及隱藏的服務契機。
段伴虬, 陳聰堅, 蘇德義(2013)。 以服務體驗洞察觀點形塑銀髮族遠距健康照顧服務需求之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(2), 11-26。
The Service Contextual Inquiry Algorithm to the Tele-health Care Service Design
Tuan, P.-C , Chen, T.-C., Su, T.-Y.
English Abstract The demographic trend of an aging population with parents having fewer children has become a global phenomenon. Because of the urgent demands of the elderly and a shortage of nursing resources, the “telehealth care” industry is booming, and from a users’ point of view a need exists to design and popularize a system of telehealth care. Service science is the basic principle underlying telehealth care, but service is an intangible product which is difficult to define or make uniform. Therefore, this study, which was based on the theory of Service Experience Engineering (SEE) developed by the Innovative Digitech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute (IDEAS) in 2008, was conducted using a contextual inquiry of practical service experience based on observations and interviews designed to document the users’ viewpoint. Five consolidated models were used to analyze the potential demands and obstacles to creating a telehealth care system for the elderly. The results, which were designed to match the service demands and timing needs of telehealth care for the elderly as defined by SEE, reveal: 1) an assistant needs to be designated for each elderly client, 2) the efficiency and methods of the system need to be improved and/or expanded, 3) the test environment should be designed using a “home-like” atmosphere, 4) government funding is recommended because the elderly are often unwilling or unable to pay for the service.Keywords:Elderly, Tele-health care, Service science, Service experience engineering