盧俊銘 徐業良 陳亮恭 林楚卿
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中文摘要 失智症是一種認知功能逐漸下降的疾病,常常合併有多重的行為與精神問題,隨著年齡增加,失智症的盛行率愈來愈高,對於高齡者的健康產生極大的衝擊。根據調查,臺灣65至69歲族群的失智症盛行率為1.2%,年齡往上每增加5歲,盛行率即倍增,到了90歲以上,大約每三人就有一位是失智者。早期的失智症不易發現,家人察覺異常時往往已發展至中、重度,演變為難以承受的負擔。現行有許多非藥物治療的方法可以改善失智者的認知功能症狀,而結合科技的輔助更是失智症照護的未來發展趨勢。本計畫目的在以行動科技為基礎,設計互動式高齡失智者治療與照護環境,實際導入失智症照護機構與在宅照護環境中,同時整合社群網路讓親友共同參與,進而發展失智症照護之創新模式。
盧俊銘, 徐業良, 陳亮恭, 林楚卿(2015)。 以行動科技為基礎的互動式高齡失智者治療與照護環境之創新設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 145-150。
Creating an interactive environment for the treatment and care for demented elderly based on mobile technologies
Lu, J.-M., Hsu, Y.-L., Chen, L.-K., Lim, C.-K.
English Abstract Dementia is characterized by decreased cognitive functions beyond normal aging, usually associated with behavioral disturbance and other mental health disorders. As getting older, the prevalence of dementia becomes higher, resulting in a huge and negative impact on personal health. In Taiwan, the prevalence of dementia among those aged 65 to 69 years is 1.2%. With every five-year increase in age, the prevalence gets twice higher. As for those who are over 90 years old, there would be one with dementia among three people. Dementia is usually not easily identifiable until it turns to be moderate or severe. After that, the support from a professional care institution becomes necessary and is of great importance. In response to this challenge, one of the most prominent trends is to embrace technologies for better dementia care. This project aims to create an interactive environment for the treatment and care of the demented elderly based on mobile technologies, which will be subsequently applied to institutional and home-based care. By further integrating the mobile technologies with social networks, their families and friends can be also included, which may contribute to an innovative model of treatment and care of the demented elderly.Keywords:dementia, non-pharmacological interventions, mobile technology, social network