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中文摘要 目前市售的健身體感電玩雖已針對許多運動項目如太極、保健操等開發出完整的產品,增加玩家運動的樂趣,但在電玩製作彈性與玩家的彈性方面仍有許多不足處,無法配合醫護需求進行客製化製作,也沒有考慮失能的高齡或復健患者。因此本計畫針對這二項不足處,發展可彈性調整的體感電玩客製化製作樣版,依據訓練目標(training goal)以及動作能力(ability)快速開發個人化的訓練電玩。計畫第一年將整合穿戴式感測器與Kinect體感電玩開發環境,並依據「近老」(older,55-64歲)、「中老」(elderly,65-74歲),「老老」(aged,75-84歲)及「耆老(very old,85歲以上)四個演進式高齡分類,結合演進式高齡互動系統模型與居家準則,建構適合各分類之高齡者的體感遊戲互動介面以及電玩困難度調整準則。第二年則進行居家高齡體能衰弱偵測體感電玩開發與評估,與衛福部豐原醫院與台中醫院合作,以Chang等人(2011)提出的6個高齡體力衰弱偵測之面向為基礎,開發高齡者衰弱監控與評估體感電玩之客製化樣版(customization template),引進到目前合作的安養機構中進行偵測效益評估實驗,比較目前使用的臨床偵測方法與體感電玩為基礎的高齡衰弱偵測之效益。第三年則與台中醫院與長庚醫院中醫部合作,以Li等人(2012)提出之太極8式為基礎,依據高齡衰弱減緩所需之訓練目標以及高齡使用者之動作能力,提供姿勢分析規則(posture analysis rules),協助練習正確的衰弱減緩動作,並引進到目前合作的醫療安養機構中進行訓練效益評估實驗,比較實際太極拳介入訓練與體感電玩介入訓練在減緩高齡衰弱之成效。
孫天龍(2015)。 高齡者衰弱偵測與訓練之體感電玩開發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 151-160。
Development of somatosensory game for elderly frailty assessment and training
Sun, T.-L.
English Abstract The development of somatosensory gaming (SG) for home-based elderly frailty assessment and training, aims to motivate elderly to do the otherwise boring rehabilitation exercises. The proposed research will expand the research results from previous project from four dimensions. First, the game design will consider not only the elderly but also the evolved frailty conditions during progressive ageing. The game difficulty will be adjusted based on the progressing aging HCI principles and the green home design principles for progressing aging. Second, the frailty detection will be expanded from balance and dementia to 6 dimensions of physical frailty detection, including functional reach, reaction time, balance, slowness, and muscle endurance of lower and upper limb. Third, the somatosensory game will include 8 forms of Tai-Chi, including wave hands like clouds, part the wild horse’s mane, hold a ball, single whip, repulse monkey, brush knees, fair lady works at shuttles, and grasp the peacock’s tail. Fourth, the game will be integrated with wearable sensors for more accurate frailty detection. The somatosensory gaming proposed in this research differs from other SG research or products in the market in that the game developed is not a finished product but a template that can be customized according to medical people instructions and the motor ability of the elderly players.
In this project, wearable sensors will be integrated with somatosensory gaming to develop an elderly game development platform. The game will be designed considering four different progressive ageing stages, i.e., older (55-64), elderly (65-74), aged (75-84) and very old (above 85). The game design will also consider the elderly HCI principles and the green living principles. Then 6 customization templates will be developed for home-based frailty detection. Also an evaluation experiment will be conducted to examine the effectiveness of the game-based frailty detection versus standard clinical approaches. A Tai-Chi training game will then be developed for frailty reduction. Based on training goals and motor ability, a set of posture analysis rules will be developed to examine the correctness of the Tai-Chi training. Evaluation experiments will be conducted to examine the effectiveness of SG based training versus physical Tai-Chi training.Keywords:Somatosensory game, elderly frailty assessment, elderly exercise training