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中文摘要 有鑑於高齡社會時代的到來,對於居家照顧服務產業的需求增加,了解高齡者消費價值與需求即變得格外重要。儘管研究高齡服務的議題仍大多集中在技術、系統與政策方面的問題情境,但在管理方面的應用研究仍然相當不足,尤其缺乏跨領域的整合型研究。因此,本計畫的目的,即是以消費者行為的觀點,透過焦點團體、層次分析以及需求洞察等研究方法的使用,發展高齡者消費價值模式與分類機制。本研究認為應該以經營管理、消費者行為以及服務科學等領域做為基礎,強調顧客導向並以消費價值觀點切入,深入探討高齡者消費價值之構成因素,進而建構適合於高齡者的消費價值模式與分類機制。
王熙哲(2015)。 高齡者消費價值與分類機制之探索。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 161-164。
A study on consumption value and classifying guidance for elderly people
Wang, K. H.-C.
English Abstract The elderly service industry is gradually becoming a potential market due to the coming of the era of aging population. In order to respond to the societal needs, understand the consumption value and needs of elderly become more and more important. Despite most current researches focus on the elderly problems such as technology, system, and policy, there are still lack multidiscipline integration researches in management, especially in consumer behavior field. Thus, the purpose of this project is to develop a consumption value model and classifying guidance for the elderly people. By using Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and service experience need inquiry as research methods. This project argued that it should integrate the discipline of business, consumer behavior and service science, to emphasize the composite factors of consumption value of elderly and construct an innovative consumption value model and classifying guidance for elderly service industry.Keywords:Consumption Value, Filial Piety, Customer Needs, Home Care Service, Elderly People