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中文摘要 本計畫提供使用者可以在不使用麥克風的情況下,自由地說出需求或感受,說話者以自然語言的方式輸入,可以包含綴語、綴詞,系統便能自動判斷使用者身分及使用意圖後,直接對暖氣、燈光與咖啡機進行適當的控制。使用者不需要知道每項家電產品其複雜的控制方法與相關功能,藉由多為空間收音技術、使用者的語音意圖辨識、語者辨識,即可進行耦合服務,自動控制家電,並藉由系統回饋的語句對話得到家電操作之確認。本計畫預計以二年的時間完成下列工作項目:
林博川(2015)。 整合雲端語者辨識及語音對話之銀髮族智慧家電服務系統設計與實現。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(2), 165-170。
Design and implementation of an intelligent service cloud system for appliance control based on integration of senior user identification and speech dialog
Lin, P.-C.
English Abstract This project aims to develop a system which allows users to speak without using microphone to control home appliances. Users can use natural language sentences (may contains suffix words) as input for the proposed system. In the above scenario, the user does not need to know the complex control methods and related functions of each household electrical appliance. Using multidimensional space audio recording technology, results of intent recognition and speech recognition can work with coupling services. Moreover, a dialogue system can feedback a related sentence for the user to confirm the final operations of appliances. Research issues include:
(1)Complete the wireless multi-channel sound catching module;
(2)Complete the multidimensional audio recording with cloud computing;
(3)Complete user intent recognition for cloud information appliances;
(4)Complete cloud speaker recognition on cloud;
(5)Complete cloud appliances operating feedback dialogue system;
(6)Complete the 3D interactive virtual waiter and scene design.Keywords:information appliance, cloud computing, virtual waiter, 3D animation design