Vol. 4, No. 1 (建立時間:2015-12-15)
(總下載次數 : 41642)
海峽兩岸合作研究-「應對老齡社會之研究」計畫專題 P1 (已下載次數:1346)
Editorial: Special issue on “Cross-strait research collaboration: responding to aged society”
高齡者互動保健遊戲之使用者經驗設計與評估 P5 (已下載次數:1945)
Design and evaluation of user experience with interactive healthcare games for elderly persons
梁曉帆 孫天龍
最佳化擴散與功能性磁振影像於人類生命週期之 人腦神經與功能連結研究 P11 (已下載次數:3179)
Mapping brain connections change across the human lifespan with optimum diffusion and functional MRI
以服務者視角提升智能科技照顧服務系統效能之研究 P21 (已下載次數:1674)
Exploring the Realization Model of Ageing Smart Care System from the Service Provider’s Point of View
段伴虬 陳聰堅 林清壽 裴駿 王佩琴 孫天龍
老人社區協同照護智慧系統開發與實現 P29 (已下載次數:2628)
Development and implementation for elder collaborative and smart community
吳帆 安寧 吳雅惠
整合長期照護整合評估與行動健康科技之老人暨全員活躍參與 之智慧行動雲端支持模式之建置 P43 (已下載次數:3298)
Integrating comprehensive geriatric assessment in long-term care with mobile health technology to develop an active total participatory smart mobile cloud support model for the aged
張博論 郭明娟 崔妍妍
高齡妻子照顧生病配偶的心路歷程和因應之道- 以雲林偏鄉一位八十高齡阿嬤為例 P83 (已下載次數:2071)
A study on psychological adaptation and coping strategies of an elderly female caregiver- from the perspectives of an elderly female caregiver who takes care of her spouse in Yunlin County
林麗紋 陳黛芬
高齡者導向之休閒娛樂輔具研究與設計 P95 (已下載次數:3935)
Design research of an assistive device for the elderly based on therapeutic recreation
陳振甫 陳裕升
創新產品:多功能三合一拐杖傘 P105 (已下載次數:9300)
3-in-1 multifunction umbrella cane
施孟均 何原璜 許芯瑜 許笑妮 許文俐 蔡碧藍
中高齡者對代間關係之重視度與滿意度之研究 P49 (已下載次數:5400)
A study on importance and satisfaction of intergenerational relationship among middle-aged and older people
林清壽 林麗華
友善高齡者之手機版網站設計 P65 (已下載次數:2389)
Elder-friendly mobile website design guidelines
曾琬婷 王玲玲
高齡者阻力訓練實作模式建立與成效評估 P117 (已下載次數:4477)
A practice model and its efficacy for resistance training in the elderly
郭姵伶 林千玉 張立東 鄒碧鶴