Vol. 3, No. 4 (建立時間:2015-09-08)
(總下載次數 : 25521)
以主路徑分析法探討中高齡者之多維度生命末期照護概念 P385 (已下載次數:5097)
The discussion of middle-aged and older adults' multidimensional End-of-Life Care:main path analysis
施勝烽 盧煜焬
高齡數位學習網站介面與教學設計之探討:以澳洲U3A online為例 P401 (已下載次數:3189)
Analysis of the interface and instructional design of e-learning website for older adults: A study of Australian U3A online
新世代高齡者玩具需求與市場趨勢之探討 P411 (已下載次數:6486)
The research of toy need and market development for the new generation of elderly
劉宜君 陳啟清
情境感知模式應用於樂齡族生態行動導覽之研究 P421 (已下載次數:1807)
Context awareness applied to mobile guide in ecological field for active aging elderly
李瑋婷 李傳房
職場工作者身心狀況與健康促進需求評估的年齡層差異-以某住宿餐飲業為例 P437 (已下載次數:3163)
Age differences in physical and mental health conditions and workplace health promotion needs among workers–An example of accommodation and catering industry employees
葉婉榆 陳叡瑜
從生理負荷觀點探討高齡遊客的服務設計 P453 (已下載次數:2101)
A study on service design for senior tourists from the aspect of physiological load
張駿 李傳房
創新產品:手腦並用好背心 P469 (已下載次數:1658)
Good vest, combinatorial use of hands and brain
林俞均 許雅媮 蕭昭悌 賴靖璇 蔡碧藍
「有愛無礙」改良式輪椅設計 P479 (已下載次數:2020)
Harmless modified innovation wheelchair
張惠甄 鄧育琪 羅雅妮