Vol. 2, No. 3 (建立時間:2014-12-18)
(總下載次數 : 45457)
「應對高齡社會相關研究計畫」專題 P179 (已下載次數:3029)
Editorial: Special topic on “research projects related to aged society”
建構以偏好為基礎之老人居家照顧服務傳遞系統-健康照護價值鏈觀點 P183 (已下載次數:3014)
Constructing a preference-based demand-response home care service delivery system for the elderly: From the perspective of a health care delivery value chain
周瑛琪 盧慶樺 顏炘怡 唐明順
針對失智症/銀髮族設計以地理圍欄為省電基礎之穿戴式運動紀錄裝置 P191 (已下載次數:3281)
A wearable exercise tracking device using the geofence-based power efficient mechanism for elders with/without dementia
高齡者擰毛巾輔具設計 P201 (已下載次數:4444)
An assistive design on drying towel for the elderly
黃啟梧 陳進隆
智慧型醫療照護雲端系統之建置研究 P205 (已下載次數:2227)
A study of implementing an intelligent healthcare cloud system
張瑞雄 彭勝龍
演進式高齡者居住環境設計 P215 (已下載次數:2602)
Progressive living environment design for the elderly
江行全 李家萱
建構演進式高齡者居家生活智慧型互動系統 P221 (已下載次數:3356)
Developing an intelligent and interactive service system for progressive aging in house
林久翔 鄭來宇 何穗華 陳宏仁
成功老化:以計畫行為模式探討高齡者參與槌球行為與幸褔感 P229 (已下載次數:3161)
Successful aging: Exploring gateball participating behavior and well-being in Taiwanese older adults with theory of planned behavior
設計與實作一基於混合雲架構於機上盒的銀髮族家庭健康照護系統 P237 (已下載次數:2456)
A set-top box and hybrid cloud based homecare system for elders
林伯星 李依蓉
高齡使用者擴增實境互動導覽介面研究 P243 (已下載次數:4503)
Augmented reality on interactive navigation interface for older adults
高齡者產品介面操作訓練之研究 P259 (已下載次數:2252)
A study on the product interface training for older adults
整合隨機共振刺激和專用的互動式體感遊戲以提高老人的姿勢控制能力 P265 (已下載次數:1910)
Integration of stochastic resonance stimulation and dedicated interactive motion sensing games to enhance the postural control abilities of the elderly
張國清 黃英修
Family Bond自我照顧型獨居高齡者的智慧無線環境感測網絡開發與設計 P273 (已下載次數:3475)
Development and design of the family bond intelligence wireless sensor network for the independent senior who lives alone
洪崇文 張登文 凃毅銘
高齡者雲端社交服務模式與平台建置開發與導入 P281 (已下載次數:2898)
Design and development of an online platform and innovative social networking services for older people
高齡者跌倒風險預警機制之研究 P297 (已下載次數:2849)
A study and design on falling risk warning mechanism for the elderly