Vol. 3, No. 2 (建立時間:2015-03-25)
(總下載次數 : 41137)
Steps & Flowers-居家環境下銀髮族多元互動平台之開發與商品化應用 P131 (已下載次數:3192)
Steps & Flowers: Development of a multi-dimensional interactive platform for older adults in the home environment
林楚卿 徐業良
以行動科技為基礎的互動式高齡失智者治療與照護環境之創新設計 P145 (已下載次數:2973)
Creating an interactive environment for the treatment and care for demented elderly based on mobile technologies
盧俊銘 徐業良 陳亮恭 林楚卿
高齡者衰弱偵測與訓練之體感電玩開發 P151 (已下載次數:3929)
Development of somatosensory game for elderly frailty assessment and training
高齡者消費價值與分類機制之探索 P161 (已下載次數:1702)
A study on consumption value and classifying guidance for elderly people
整合雲端語者辨識及語音對話之銀髮族智慧家電服務系統設計與實現 P165 (已下載次數:2606)
Design and implementation of an intelligent service cloud system for appliance control based on integration of senior user identification and speech dialog
高齡友善TOD運輸環境之文獻評析 P171 (已下載次數:15289)
Elder-friendly transit-oriented development (TOD) environment: literature review
李家儂 謝翊楷
中高齡者購買商業型長期照護保險行為意向之探究 P189 (已下載次數:2748)
A study on the behavioral intention of the middle-aged people and elders purchasing commercial long-term care insurance
陳明珠 林清壽 廖崇凱
影響中高齡者參與志工時間銀行行為意向之研究 P209 (已下載次數:1888)
A study on the factors affecting the behavioral intention of participating service credits bank for the middle-aged people
林清壽 洪吉利
樂齡族生態旅遊體驗行為與情感之研究-互動科技導入之前置需求調查 P223 (已下載次數:2349)
A study on the behavior and emotion of the active aging groups’ ecotourism travel experience: needs survey on the use of interactive technology
盧麗淑 何于凡
「四合一,酸痛滾!」創新設計 P235 (已下載次數:2359)
Design of the “4-in-1 pain roller”
郭金佩 黃慧萍 許美雲 簡莉娜 蔡碧藍
擴增實境概念應用於樂齡族生態旅遊之解說牌模擬 P243 (已下載次數:2102)
A study of applying augmented reality on active aging ecotourism by interpretive signs in mock contextual
于孟弘 盧麗淑 張文山